Friday, December 30, 2011

The Arelia LaRue Series

Okay , so I've been thinking about this post for a while and I think now is a great time to write it. It is something that I just want to get off of my chest.

First I just want to say thank you to everyone who bought a copy of Bound, I truly appreciate it, even if you ended up hating the book.

Second, I want to let readers who actually liked Bound where the series is going and why I chose to write it the way I have.
I didn't choose the concept of voodoo because I thought, hey it's never been done before, I chose it because I am fascinated by it and really find it so rich and complex, I think it deserves to be explored a bit more especially in books. However, I didn't want it to become a boring history lesson or anything so I decided to make the series a bit humorous, threw in the Dumptys and gave the spirits their own personalities. But, I did spend a lot of time researching the spirits, yes, in voodoo Erzulie, Bade and Brise all do exist.

I made the book light but still wanted to touch on real themes that are historically important to New Orleans like slavery , racial/class differences/amazing food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I wrote Bound, I wanted the book to be about Arelia, the Arelia show. I wanted it to be about her struggle to accept her destiny and all the confusion that it brings.

I didn't want her to just walk into Darkwood and say "Cool I'm a voodoo queen! Yay Lucus is so hot, I'm in love with him." Instead, I tried to put myself in her shoes and tried to see what I would have done at 16. Basically, I would have been emotional, irrational and very confused. If someone told me I was destined to be a great voodoo queen today, I would still be irrational, confused and emotional.

The relationship Sabrina and Arelia have is realistic in my opinion because it's the one I have with my best friend. she's not rich or anything, but we fight and argue and bicker, but in the end we still love one another. I don't think I would be best friends with her if it were a fairy tale type relationship.

So in the first book we find out that Lucus is well, you know....cursed.

In Punished the focus will be more on Arelia's powers and the spirits, a lot more about Lucus, Ivan and Louis Beau and their complex history as well as more focus on Arelia/Lucus.

In Possessed the focus will be on Mad Marie. Her history and New Orleans during her time period. Lucus' parents a bit more. We won't really see a lot of the mystery girl that Lucus/Louis were in love with just yet. The ever evolving relationships between Arelia/Lucus/Louis/Ivan/Sabrina will continue to grow. New spirits and ghosts. Maybe someone will die, not sure yet though.

UPDATE!!!! Wow onto book #4 and the series has taken on a whole new life. Book #4 is called Oppressed and a majority of it will take place in 1800's New Orleans!!!

Yay!!! new characters and relationships will come out to play. Spirits, scandal and of course history, angst and some doomed love stuff.

I want to thank all of my readers without your support none of this would be possible. I know this series doesn't exactly go with what's trendy right now given it involves history and voodoo not vampires and werewolves so thank you all! 


Anyways that's all I have to say sorry about the long post guys!!!!!!


  1. Looking forward to book two and my review goes up this coming Wednesday for Bound. :)

  2. When is punished coming out i really loved the first book n can not wait to read the next

  3. Loved Bound and can not wait for Punished. Whens it coming out?

  4. Hey Guys Fe 29th sorry I just saw these comments now!!!!!

  5. I loved bound can't wait intil Feb 29th thanks so much for making this book ms. kira saito

  6. Aww thank you so much for reading it!!!

  7. I love Bound and Punished so much. They are so good! The only problem is i read them in a day or two. Im using your books for a reading project! Thank you so much! by the way ive been thinking about this for a while... do you have a certain theme you are trying to convey?

  8. Awww so cute. I love your name because I love cupcakes. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! There are themes and messages I am trying to get across. THANK YOU for noticing!!!!!!!

    The overall theme of the series is progress. In life things are never perfect and bad situations happen, but it's not cool to be held prisoner by them. Lucus is trapped because he is a prisoner of circumstance and so is Arelia. But they are both helping each other move forward.

    The theme of Bound is acceptance. Arelia learns how to better accept herself, her history, where she comes from. She struggles with it but is slowly coming to terms with all of it.

    The theme of Punished is understanding. Arelia better understands Lucus and Ivan.

    I can write more, but I'd bore you! :))))

  9. okay, I'll ramble some more. In Punished, Arelia experiences Ivan's pain and history, so it helps her better understand why he is the way he is.

    I think that many of us forget to put ourselves in other people's shoes. When that happens the world becomes a scary place.

  10. i love your books so much!! i read sweet tortue also and i loved that! i can not wait for possessed to come out, i get on here frequently just to see if maybe it will be released early but i also know you need time to write it. i also want to say quickly that i love how you write your books. i am really big into history and i love how you hit it. along with showing enough description without over doing it. im so excited i cant wait till may XD

  11. Thank you so much!!! It's awesome to know that there are readers who appreciate history. I am really into history that is why I'm so fascinated by New Orleans and voodoo. It's so colorful, alive but dangerous as well. Amazing.I think that history is actually somtimes more terrifying than fiction.

    Everything about the city/voodoo has particular social/historical conditions that made it the way it is. Right now i'm having so much fun reseaching and writing how New Orleans was during the 1830s.

    I would love to release early but it does take time to put it all together. I'll put up a release date soon!

    So happy you enjoyed ST. It was a bit lighter.

    Thank you again you really made my day!!

  12. Kira, Thank you so much for sharing your talents! I am constantly trying to find things the my 13 yr old daughter would read. I have read, in 2 days mind you, both Arelia LaRue novels. I am in love with your story line, New Orleans, Arelia, Grand-mere Bea, Aunt Mae, Lucus and all of them. I am looking forward to following Arelia and watching her grow, mature, live, love and laugh. Thank you again!

  13. Thank you so much for your kind and supportive message, Vicki. I'm beyond flattered that you would recommend Arelia's story to your daughter.

    So excited for everyone to read book 3!

  14. Ms. Kira
    I read both of the Arelia LaRue books in 2 days. I got my coworker/friend to read them and she has been nagging me to find out when the 3rd one comes out. She absolutely loved them probably more than I did. We both loved the New Orleans, voodoo and history in the stories! We are so fascinated by it. I drove through New Orleans once but the drivers were terrifying so I just kept going. But seriously, you are a wonderful writer! I don't know who thought it was a good idea to let me have a Nook but I have never been so poor in my life and still I will be purchasing your next book in about a week! Thank you for being so great! :D

  15. Awww, thank you Kristy!

    Your comments means a lot to me!
    I'm so happy you're enjoying the concept of the books and got your friend on board. I find it all so fascinating too history/voodoo/New Orleans! LoL, maybe next time you'll have a chance to actually check out the city.

    Thank you for your support, book 3 is coming out real soon July 7 for kindle and mid-July for Nook. Fingers crossed you guys will enjoy it :)))))

  16. Oh my gosh ! I am totally in love with your books (: I haven't been able to stop reading them ! All the talk of voodoo and New Orleans , makes me really want to visit there ! I can not wait for oppressed !! You have me as a fan and I'll continue to read your books<3

    1. Thank you for your sweet message Desiree!!! Super excited you're enjoying them! Yes, you must plan a trip to NOLA. It's an amazing city where the ghosts are alive and well :))

  17. It's not anywhere, it isn't going to be published until mid-late November :)))))

  18. I am so looking forward to book 4. I cant seem to stop reading and i cant wait to reread them. Thanks for the fun, your the best

  19. Hi! I have a question for you. I read Bound, and once I was done, I bought Punished. My question is... My copy of Bound from Amazon was free, and Im not sure if it was the whole book? In the 2nd one, it seems like it starts where the 1st left off, but Arelia keeps talking about "Last year", and Im very confused by this. Am I missing part of the story?

  20. Hi Nicky
    Thank you for reading! no you're not missing anything. If you keep reading the 2nd book you'll understand. :)

  21. Thank you! Im really into your books. Im excited for the 4th one to come out. Ive read the three books in like 4 days! Cant seem to put them down. Thank you!

  22. I read the excerpt and thought “Why not? Sounds interesting enough…” Best choice ever! I am an avid reader and it takes a lot for me to become entrenched in a book quickly, but not so with Bound. I was hooked from the first chapter through the final chapter of the last book.
    Ms. Saito, you are able to weave the characters, their lives and the life of New Orleans in its heyday, around you like a warm quilt on a winters day. I truly couldn’t put these books down!
    One of the best reads for me this year, and I am eagerly anticipating the newest offering coming out later on this year.
    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you so much for reading, Andria. Your comment is really sweet and inspirational. I can't thank you enough for your support :)

  23. I just finish oppressed and I really liked it! I was just wondering how long I am going to have to wait for the fifth one????? And how many do you plan on having in the series????? I so hope there is more Aurelia/mucus in the next one!!! And can I say that I am really impressed and really happy that you wrote a great series and didn't feel that need to put a love triangle in there!!!! Thank you again for writing this awesome series cant wait for the next one!

    1. Thank you for reading, Alexa. Book 5 will be out in late spring;early summer 2013. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  24. Hey Kira! I love your books! but i have a nook and your 4th laRue book isnt at the B&N store like the first 3! And i would really LOVE to read it! Could you please oh please put the last book at the B&N store

    1. Hey Gabrielle, book 4 will be up on BN in a few weeks :) Thank you so much for reading.

  25. Kira....
    KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! I seriously enjoy reading this series. I love the history you add into your writing. The descriptions truly make me feel like I stepped back in time. Thank you for giving us fans something truly special to read that isn't cliche. You ROCK!

    1. Michelle, a big Thank you and to all of my readers for being interested in this series. It means a lot to me. I don't feel as if I have to write what is trendy or popular but what I feel is meaningful. I'll be forever grateful :)

  26. Kira...thank you for writing the books! Thank you for giving an insight as to how a slave may have felt during this time...yeah sure we can read about in our history books but I truly FELT the embarrassment and sadness from them. I love Arelia and Lucas and I love how she gives it to Ivan. And what a broken spirit he is! I enjoy reading about voodoo and the different spirits! I cannot wait until book 5!

    1. Thank you so much for reading the books, Michele!

      Sad what humans are capable of doing to one another, isn't it? :(

  27. Soooooooo, when will we be graced with the 5th book? I can't wait to see what happens.

  28. I absolutely loved all four so far. When my teacher tried to teach us about discrimination it was pretty boring, but you have made history exciting and fun

    1. History is exciting and fun!!!! Glad you're enjoying the series, Ashlee :)

  29. When is book 5 going to be out?

  30. When is book 5 coming out? Can't wait to read it.

  31. When is book 6 coming out? Loved book 5!

  32. When will book 6 be out ??????????????????

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Where is book #7 OMG that can't be it.
