Saturday, June 23, 2012

Arelia LaRue Book #3 Possessed

Strange. Old. Epic. Has nothing to do with New Orleans but this is the official song of Possessed!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Arelia LaRue Book #3 Release Date Update

So many readers are asking for an exact release date. So here it is:

 July 7th (this is for Kindle for BN and APPLE it will be mid-July)

Thank you all for your kind support. I am really excited about this book and am determined to make it better than the last two in every respect. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Goblin Kings and Deleted Scenes

Today, I'm introducing a very special guest, a great writer and friend: Nikki Jefford!

As part of her Spellbound tour, she's decided to share some inspiration with us!

Since Kira is the Queen of Movie Clips, I’ve asked her to share the following scenes from one of my favorite childhood movies, Labyrinth, in which the Goblin King confronts Sarah after she’s made it through his maze.
The song “Magic Dance” ran through my head often while writing Duplicity. I pictured Adrian as the Goblin King, minus the long hair and skintight pants. Ha, ha.

Originally I had a scene in Duplicity in which Raj and Lee join Aahana (Raj’s sister) in the living room while she’s watching Labyrinth and Lee muses if the “you have no power over me” line would work on Adrian Montez (who is obsessed with Graylee Perez).
A beta reader pointed out that I could run into copyright infringement problems for directly quoting a movie and my aunt (a retired lawyer) confirmed that I could reference a movie, but should NOT quote lines word-for-word unless I had written permission from the copyright holders.
So, darn, no quoting the line, “You have no power over me.” And some of my favorite Goblin King quotes:

“Sarah, beware, I have been generous up until now, but I can be cruel.”
And after Sarah demands what he’s done that’s generous:
“Everything! Everything that you have wanted I have done. I have altered time. I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you.”

At the end of Entangled, Adrian puts his own life in jeopardy to try and save Gray (whether she needs it or not). In book two, Duplicity, he returns to town expecting gratitude for his, er, generosity.

Doesn't this make you want to read the book?

Check out Entangled by Nikki Jefford now available on Amazon!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Arelia LaRue Book #3 another teaser!

He closed his eyes and let out a soft, miserable sigh. Slowly, he ran his coarse fingers through my hair. “Your little brain can be so shallow sometimes. You really ought to stop spending so much time with the princess. This is not about some girl; it’s about everything he represents: entitlement, supremacy and oppression. Do you realize that these rooms are filled with blood? My blood, the blood of my mother, my father and the blood of thousands of others forced to work against their will? The way I see it, he should sit here and rot for eternity in blood-filled rooms.  It’s clearly my mother’s revenge on him and his family. So, I’m asking you for the last time. Leave. There are plenty of others like him roaming the city. I’m sure you’ll make a lovely placée for anyone of them.”
“Screw you!” I screamed, as I slapped him across the face hard. “Who says that anymore? Who thinks like that?” Little by little the pity I had for him was starting to erode. I pressed myself up against the door and tried my best to distance myself from him.